These packing guidelines have been developed to assist our customers in preparing goods for safe transport and include tips and requirements for correct packing, weighing, measuring and labelling. Following these guidelines will minimise additional charges being incurred for freight even after it has travelled. If you are sending pallets through our network, please note pallets have additional requirements for safe transport and we recommend reading and following these guidelines when placing a booking.
Correct labelling is one of the most important steps in ensuring your goods arrive safely and without delay. You will need to attach the labels emailed to you (website) or available for download in the portal (members).
An individual label is needed for each item you are sending and include the delivery location, number of items travelling and other specific information relating to your booking. Without labels securely fastened to each of your items, you will most certainly encounter delays, lost items and even manual consignment note fees for labels that need to be prepared or reprinted for you.
If you are reusing cartons or other packaging, remember to remove all old labels and other barcodes. This helps to minimise goods being lost or returned to you.
All labels should be in good condition once secured to the package (ie: not creased or folded) so all information is clearly visible. Labels should be attached to a clean and dry surface to ensure they do not peel off whilst in transit.
Ensure the barcode and other details are clearly visible and that they are no smudges on the label once they come off the printer. Secure the labels to the packaging with strong clear
tape. Ideally the entire label should be covered with tape which will help to prevent damage to the label during transit and prevent ink from running during wet weather.
For any items a label is unable to be securely fastened, use a tie-on label. If you choose to do so, please remember that the tie must be durable ie: cable tie and that labels are as damage proof and waterproof as possible.
If any items require careful handling, it is a good idea to write ‘fragile’ on the packaging.
All items MUST be packaged for transport. Any items that are not packaged may be excluded from being collected, be subject to delay or return and you will likely be charged a futile collection fee by the carrier plus Freight Save’s administration fee.
Packaged items must be suitably packaged to withstand the rigors of transportation including multiple handling and a short drop. Suitable packaging includes items packed carefully into/onto strong and durable cartons or pallets with sufficient interior padding and protection to easily carry and support the item/s weight. If the item is not packed in its original packaging, it should be the same standard as the manufacturer’s.
Drivers and freight handlers have work and safety limitations. Items weighing over 25kgs must be packaged on a pallet or crate and be easily moved by forklift. It is the sender’s responsibility to ensure there is suitable lifting equipment available at both pickup and delivery addresses. If not, please ensure you choose the ‘tail lift’ option when booking or contact Freight Save for your options in this regard. It is advised to do this prior to booking your service.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when selecting the correct packing type for your item/s;
All packaging MUST be able to retain your items without tipping, rolling, sliding or leaking. Any spare room in the carton should be filled with packing materials including foam, air cushions/bubble wrap or scrunched paper to prevent items from moving around during handling and transportation.
When selecting the most appropriate packing type, consider the item/s weight, dimensions, and other properties. (This also includes the weight and dimensions of the pallet itself).
No part of any item should protrude from its packaging. Protruding items pose a safety risk to handlers as well as a risk of damaging other items during transit.
Select packaging that is strong and durable enough, especially if you are sending breakable items. Where possible, use the original carton your item/s came in as these were designed with the safe transportation of that item in mind.
Items with a combined weight of over 25kgs should be separated into multiple cartons if possible.
Travel cases and suitcases are able to be transported without additional packaging but will need to securely fastened and labelled properly.
Cartons should not be fixed together. On booking you will indicate the total number of items in your booking and you will be sent a label for each. Strapping cartons together presents a risk of the cartons becoming separated and no way in tracing its delivery location which is why a separate label needs to be placed on each individual carton in your booking.
It is important to remember not to overfill or overload cartons. In the case your carton is too full, separate your items into multiple cartons. Cartons should be secure and sealed at all times. Cartons that are overfull present a risk of opening during transportation and your item/s becoming lost or damaged.
When selecting the correct carton size, it is recommended to ensure there is a minimum of 5cm of padding around all sides of the item/s. This protects your item/s from moving around in the carton and becoming damaged in transit.
Strong and sturdy cartons are available to purchase online and from most self-storage sites and hardware stores.
All items that require a forklift must have standard forklift access points and be packaged in a stable and upright position. Top heavy items are likely to become unbalanced during transportation resulting in damage.
Pallets fixed with cross boards at the base of the pallet will provide greater support and stability during transportation and reduce the risk of your items becoming damaged.
Palletised freight must be placed squarely on the pallet and not overhang the sides of the pallet at all.
When sending multiple cartons on a pallet, it is important to make sure;
Depending on the goods loaded onto the pallet, you may choose to use strapping or shrink/stretch wrap or a combination of both. It is also recommended to use sheets of cardboard around the outside (especially edges) to prevent damage by strapping, any other damage that may be incurred during transit and also to provide additional support and stability.
Items on wheels requiring transportation on a pallet should be adequately and suitably fastened to the pallet to reduce likely movement and damage during transit. Strapping the item to the base of the pallet is an easy way of securing the item.
Tyres being transported on a pallet are required to be laid sideways, stacked and wrapped/strapped.
Large reels, spools and drums must be placed standing on their stable base and strapped and wrapped. Large spools should be placed in the centre of the pallet and only if no parts of the spool base/surface overhang the edge of the pallet may spools be palletised together.
Appliances should be wrapped in cardboard prior to being strapped down to provide protection from damage in transit. Where whitegoods and appliances are not in their original packaging, packaging should be of a similar standard to the manufacturer’s.
Most freight is measured in centimetres and kilograms.
Courier companies charge by weight (kgs) and cubic volume (m3). It is important to accurately enter your item/s correct total package weight and dimensions at time of booking to avoid additional manual measurement fees once your package is collected or reaches the depot. If items exceed the specifications entered at time of booking, courier companies will re-weigh and/or re-measure items and charge you the difference in the balance calculated, so measure, measure, measure!
All packages should be measured with a measuring tape prior to making your booking to ensure you are charged for your correct size and weight and avoid additional fees for incorrectly measured freight.
If you are booking freight on behalf of someone else or do not have access to the packages, (although it is not recommended), it is better to overestimate the measurements rather than underestimate as additional fees relating to incorrectly measured freight can be significant. Please remember you as the Customer/sender are responsible for any additional fees that may be incurred.
Taking photographs of your packages prior to sending can be used as evidence to support your measurements in the event additional charges are applied. If you are taking photographs, it is recommended to hold a ruler or measuring tape so that dimensions can be clearly seen.
When sealing your package, it is important to ensure that all items are sealed securely and strongly enough to remain closed for the entire journey and withstand multiple handlers along the way. Items not securely sealed or fastened pose of risk of becoming loose, damaged or even separated from other goods.
To avoid cartons from opening in transit, securely tape all openings with a reinforced layer (double layer) of packing tape. Sealing along the centre opening as well as along the edges provides extra reinforcement and strength.
Items should be securely fastened and shrink/stretch wrapped to the pallet (including the pallet itself).
Items should be secured so as not to move around in transit and the best way to achieve this is by strapping the item down to the pallet, strapping over the item and underneath the bearers and cross boards of the pallet.
Ideally, pallets should have 2 vertical and 2 horizontal straps per pallet with enough strength to support the item/s in the event a strap becomes loose or breaks.
You should always check the integrity of strapping ie; that these have not become loose or frayed prior to collection and that any strapping does not obscure forklift access.
When transporting items on pallets, remember to use cushioning materials to support item/s during transit.
Please refer to the National Transport Commission’s Load Restraint Guide (2018) https://www.ntc.gov.au/codes-and-guidelines/load-restraint-guide for additional information about the safe transportation of goods.
Avoid packing delicate and breakable items together with heavy or incompatible items.
Small and/or delicate items should be well wrapped and packaged well clear from the sides of the carton or in separate cartons if possible.
Free space between breakable items and the sides of the box should be well packaged with suitable packing material such as packing foam or bubble wrap etc.
Remember to mark the outside of the carton/s to alert handlers your package requires careful handling. However, Freight Save does not offer transport for fragile items and carriers at their discretion may store, stack or transport items in their network in line with their own policies and processes under relevant transport codes.
For fragile, delicate and irreplaceable items, Freight Save recommends seeking the services of specialised fragile items handling courier services with insurance cover.
If packaging several items into/onto a single carton or pallet, items should be individually wrapped to afford suitable protection during transit. Unoccupied or free space between items within cartons or on pallets should be packed with sufficient packing material to prevent movement in transit and damage to the item/s or their packaging.
Heavy items should be suitably packaged in respect to their centre of gravity. Having a stable/low centre of gravity will prevent items from becoming top heavy and moving in transit, causing damage to the item, its packaging or to items being transported around it.
Additional fees can be incurred for items weighing over 25kgs and not packaged onto pallets.
Consider additional packing materials to support/cushion heavy items and also consider the weight of the item in respect to the integrity of the packing materials. Packaging must be able to safely support the item during transit and prevent injury to handlers and damage to the item or the other items around it.
Any motors, engines including their parts as well as other industrial equipment must be drained of all fluids and/or oils prior to transportation.
Motorbikes must be crated and drained and flushed of all fluids. Motorbike stores may be able to assist you with this preparation.
These items must also be securely fastened to a pallet to prevent them from moving or tipping over during transit.
For safety reasons, all metal objects are required to be very well secured and protected during transit. Bare metals, without suitable and adequate package should never be sent through our services.
Dangerous goods are classified into nine hazard classes by the United Nations and are substances or articles with hazardous properties which, if not handled correctly, may explode, asphyxiate, burn, poison, corrode skin or metals, pollute the environment or become unstable with other products.
Our partner courier trucks transport items from several customers at once therefore restrictions placed on the transportation of dangerous goods is in place to protect all customers’ items from potential contamination. It is solely your responsibility to determine if the goods you are sending could be classified as dangerous. Freight Save accepts no liability and will seek full compensation for any damages or associated fines caused by the unauthorised shipment of Dangerous Goods.
Regulations around the transportation of dangerous goods are very strict and there are heavy fines and penalties for non-compliance. If in doubt please check with Freight Save prior to booking that any items included in the service/consignment are not dangerous, prohibited or restricted.
Dangerous goods classes are listed below and you MUST NOT send these through our services.
Class 1 – Explosives
Class 2 – Gas
Class 3 – Flammable liquids
Class 4 – Flammable solids
Class 5 – Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Class 6 – Poisonous (toxic) and infectious substances
Class 7 – Radioactive materials
Class 8 – Corrosives
Class 9 – Miscellaneous substances: any liquids or solids containing anaesthetics, asbestos, cigarette lighters, dry ice, environmentally hazardous substances, gas and butane gas cylinders, life-saving devices; machines incorporating internal combustion engines; magnetized material, polymeric beads, self-propelled vehicles, zinc dithionite.
Please refer to the National Transport Commission’s Australian Dangerous Goods Code (2020) https://www.ntc.gov.au/codes-and-guidelines/australian-dangerous-goods-code for additional information.
Restricted and prohibited Items
The list of items that are unable to be sent through our service without prior arrangement and written authorisation in writing from Freight Save management is below.
Please ensure you read through this list prior to booking and if your item/s appear on the list, please do not book your service and contact Freight Save directly.
Alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and spirits.
Animals & livestock
Any goods travelling to/from trade shows, exhibition halls and the like
Any items over 2.4 metres in length
Any items requiring refrigeration
Art work, paintings or sculptures
Assembled bed packages and mattresses not suitably packaged
Biological products including medical samples, diagnostics specimens, blood, urine, bodily fluids, tissue samples and human remains
Bulk materials such as sand, bricks, mortar, soil and bags etc
Cash, gold, jewellery or other negotiable products
Dangerous goods, explosives and radioactive material including firearms or ammunition
Drugs/Narcotics (illegal) and pharmaceutical products
Fragile items including (but not limited to) glass, mirror, porcelain and ceramics
Furniture which is not in its original packaging or flat packed
Machinery, engines that are not in their original packaging and not free of fluids, oils or are unclean
Paint and other liquids
Perishable items including flowers, dry ice, foodstuffs, plants and other items requiring temperature control or special handling
Personal belongings including suitcases, clothing and books
Pipes, masts or lengths of any type
Surfboards and kayaks
Unpackaged goods
Used car parts
Freight Save offers a national food transportation service, however perishable items are not suitable to be sent through the website’s automated booking service. If you have perishable items to be sent, please call and speak with a member of our helpful team directly on 1300 696 001 for immediate quotes and bookings.
These guidelines should be read in conjunction with;
National Transport Commission’s Load Restraint Guide (2018) https://www.ntc.gov.au/codes-and-guidelines/load-restraint-guide
National Transport Commission’s Australian Dangerous Goods Code (2020) https://www.ntc.gov.au/codes-and-guidelines/australian-dangerous-goods-code
The Heavy Vehicle National Law (2014) https://www.ntc.gov.au/laws-and-regulations/heavy-vehicle-national-law
Freight Save’s Terms and Conditions.